Facts for Strough

Fast Facts

Here is a quick overview of what makes John Strough the best cadidate for Queensbury Town Supervisor.

Strough Resume

As a tax payer in Queensbury you are hiring your Town Supervisor with your vote. See why John Strough is the best choice.

Airport Runway Extension

The real cost will be around $400,000 or about $6.12 per Warren County resident, about the price of a sandwich.

Town Budget

A detailed look at the town budget under the leadership of Supervisor Strough.

Moving Forward

A path to continuing the strides John has already made for our community.

Improving the system

John Strough headed to Albany to highlight the challenges with the e-Waste Recycling program.

Blind Rock Site

John truly believes in our community. Take a look at one of the many historic sites he has helped to preserve.

Eagle Monument

Queensbury Civil War (Soldiers) Monument: A Timeline. When the Eagle was hidden away, John brought it back

Conservative Party Primary Afterthoughts

Moving forward, I want to address and better highlight my assets and achievements.